Tuesday, February 20, 2018

4th Grade Collage Illusions

In fourth grade students combined photos of themselves and used a ruler to make it appear as if the walls are closing in on them. They cut the image of themselves out an glued it to a black rectangle. They used a ruler to create a checkerboard. Colored it with marker and finally used a little charcoal around the black rectangle and on the corner lines. These turned out great and really gave the illusion of space in the pictures.

First Grade Foxes

First Graders at Fox Creek learned how to Draw a Fox.
I loved seeing what colors they chose.

6th Grade explores the art of Kimmy Cantrell

 6th Grade looked at the art of Kimmy Cantrell. They did a gallery walk of what they noticed. They shared out what they thought were the important attributes of his artwork one being the asymmetry of his masks. The students created a drawing of  a mask and finally made it out of clay.

6th Grade