Thursday, April 18, 2019

6th Grade Plaster Gauze masks

6th Graders in Mr Bryan Dodd's crew created plaster gauze masks today. They Were completely engaged and created some fun details. Can't wait to see how they come to life with paint.

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

The District art show went up this past weekend. Fox Creek had a great representation of both 2d and 3d art work.

Kindergarteners in Ms. V.P.'s crew used toothbrushes to make stars on black paper for their cityscape collages. They loved getting their hands messy. 

Ms Sara's Crew earned their shaving cream party. They had so much fun drawing and creating with the shaving cream. The class earned their party by filling in their 3rd palette. Every palette has 9 smiley faces and to earn a smile they need to 1. Use appropriate volume. 2. Be respectful of  other. 3. Focus on their art work. and 4. Clean up quickly and quietly. Excellent job!