Tuesday, September 17, 2019

2019-20 Off to a great start.

Kindergarten used the primary colors to mix all the secondary they did this for their rainbows as well as their color wheel clowns.

 2nd Grade is Working on their monster drawings as well as their clay monsters based on the artist James De Rosso. 

 6th Grade is working on their asymmetrical mask drawings as well as their clay masks based on the artwork of Kimmy Cantrell.

 5th Grade is working on a multi-layered landscape based on the art of Canadian artist Ted Harrison.

Thursday, April 18, 2019

6th Grade Plaster Gauze masks

6th Graders in Mr Bryan Dodd's crew created plaster gauze masks today. They Were completely engaged and created some fun details. Can't wait to see how they come to life with paint.

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

The District art show went up this past weekend. Fox Creek had a great representation of both 2d and 3d art work.

Kindergarteners in Ms. V.P.'s crew used toothbrushes to make stars on black paper for their cityscape collages. They loved getting their hands messy.